To assist those wanting to engage with the panel, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Welfare Group (TAWWG) have developed an issues paper, which you can download by clicking on the thumbnail below.
The issues paper can be summarised as raising seven areas of interest:
· What is good welfare
· Thoroughbred breeding
· Traceability
· Programs for horses leaving racing and breeding
· Regulatory framework
· Humane processing of horses
· Research and Development
Also included in the document are the Terms of Reference.
These submissions will feed into the panel’s report, due for publication later this year, which will make practical recommendations to assist the thoroughbred racing and breeding industries in improving welfare outcomes.
The deadline for submissions is July 24, 2020. The TAWWG are keen to hear from all of those who are interested in this issue.
If individuals or groups have an idea to share, it is recommended to download and read the issues paper and then follow the instructions on how to make a submission.
Further information about the inquiry is available at